Friday, September 18, 2015

Rubric anaylzing

A Rubric for Evaluating Your Blogs
Adapted from

Not yet
Meets expectations. Proficient. You can.
Wow! Goes beyond expectations
Content (big ideas) and Creativity
Postings show little evidence of reflective thought about the topic.
No or few supporting images, links to websites and embedded videos.
Postings provide thought and reflective thought about the topic.
Postings are supported by many effective images, links to websites and embedded videos.
Postings provide insight and reflective thought.  They are supported by effective images, links to websites and other documents as well as embedded video.  These enhance the information presented.
The writer makes personal, textual and world connections and asks new, related questions.
Text layout, cites images etc. and provides captions.
Adds tags.
Acknowledges and cites a few images and multimedia sources.
Does not provide captions.
Does not provide tags.
Acknowledges and cites most image and multimedia sources with captions or annotations.
Provides some tags.
Acknowledges and cites all image and multimedia sources with captions or annotations.
Topics are tagged appropriately.
Mechanics (GUM)
No evidence of revision. Written responses are random and contain many errors that prevent the reader from understanding the content.
Evidence of some revision. Written responses show some organization and contain some errors.  However, the reader can understand the big ideas.     
The responses are well organized with very few grammatical errors.

I think my blog is doing pretty well right now. I always embed videos and try to reflect a good amount. I think my writing is pretty good and grammatically correct.

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